[SF-BRUSH | It will create a widget in the control dialog. The widget consists of a preview area (which when pressed will produce a popup preview ) and a button with the "..." label. The button will popup a dialog where brushes can be selected and each of the characteristics of the brush can be modified]
SF-BRUSH "label" '("name" opacity spacing mode)
[SF-COLOR | Creates a color button in the dialog]
SF-COLOR "label" '(red green blue)
SF-COLOR "label" "color"
[SF-DIRNAME | Only useful in interactive mode. Very similar to SF-FILENAME, but the created widget allows to choose a directory instead of a file]
SF-DIRNAME "label" "path"
[SF-ENUM | It will create a widget in the control dialog. The widget is a combo-box showing all enum values for the given enum type. This has to be the name of a registered enum, without the "Gimp" prefix. The second parameter speficies the default value, using the enum value's nick]
SF-ENUM "label" '()
[SF-FILENAME | It will create a widget in the control dialog. The widget consists of a button containing the name of a file]
SF-FILENAME "label" "path"
[SF-FONT | Creates a font-selection widget in the dialog. It returns a fontname as a string]
SF-FONT "label" "fontname"
[SF-GRADIENT | It will create a widget in the control dialog. The widget consists of a button containing a preview of the selected gradient]
SF-GRADIENT "label" "name"
[SF-OPTION | It will create a widget in the control dialog. The widget is a combo-box showing the options that are passed as a list. The first option is the default choice]
SF-OPTION "label" '("option1" "option2" ...)
[SF-PALETTE | It will create a widget in the control dialog. The widget consists of a button containing the name of the selected palette]
SF-PALETTE "label" "name"
[SF-PATTERN | It will create a widget in the control dialog. The widget consists of a preview area (which when pressed will produce a popup preview ) and a button with the "..." label. The button will popup a dialog where patterns can be selected]
SF-PATTERN "label" "name"
[SF-TEXT | ]
[SINUSOIDAL | !? Not defined !?]
[SMEAR | !? Not defined !?]
[SMOOTH | !? Not defined !?]
[SOBEL | !? Not defined !?]
[SPHERICAL | !? Not defined !?]
[SQUARES | !? Not defined !?]
[STATUS | !? Not defined !?]
[STRING | !? Not defined !?]
[STRINGARRAY | !? Not defined !?]
[TRAILING | !? Not defined !?]
[TRIANGLES | !? Not defined !?]
[TRUE | ]
[UNIT-MM | ]
[VECTORS | !? Not defined !?]
[WIND | !? Not defined !?]
[WRAP | !? Not defined !?]
; Reserved
[* | Returns the product of all its arguments, or 1 if no arguments]
(* arg1 arg2 ...)
[*pi* | Value 3.1416...]
[+ | Returns the sum of its arguments]
(+ arg1 arg2 ...)
[- | With one argument returns the negation; returns the difference of the first argument and the sum of the rest]
(- arg1 arg2 ...)
[/ | With one argument returns the inverse; otherwise, returns the quotient of the first argument and the product of the rest]
(/ arg1 arg2 ...)
[< | Returns true if arg1 is numerically less than arg2]
(< arg1 arg2)
[<= | Returns true if arg1 is numerically less than or equal to arg2]
(<= arg1 arg2)
[= | Returns true if arg1 is numerically equal to arg2]
(= arg1 arg2)
[> | Returns true if arg1 is numerically greater than arg2]
(> arg1 arg2)
[>= | Returns true if arg1 is numerically greater than or equal to arg2]
(>= arg1 arg2)
[abs | Returns the absolute numerical value of arg]
(abs arg)
[acos | Returns the inverse cosine of arg]
(acos arg)
[and | A special form which causes the evaluation of its subforms in order, from left to right, continuing if and only if the subform returns a non-null value]
(and form1 form2 ...)
[append | Returns a list which is the result of appending all of its arguments]
(append arg1 arg2 ...)
[apply | Applies the function to the argument list arglist]
(apply function arglist)
[aref | Returns the element of the array at the given index]
(aref array index)
[aset | Stores the value at the given index in the array]
(aset array index value)
[asin | Returns the inverse sine of arg]
(asin arg)
[assoc | Returns the first element of the list such that the function equal? applied to car of the element and the key returns a non-null value]
(assoc key list)
[assq | Returns the first element of the list such that the function eq? applied to car of the element and the key returns a non-null value]
(assq key list)
[assv | Returns the first element of the list such that the function eql? applied to car of the element and the key returns a non-null value]
(assv key list)
[atan | Returns the inverse tangent of arg]
(atan arg)
[begin | A special form which evaluates each of its subforms one after another, returning the value of the last subform]
(begin form1 form2 ...)
[boolean? | Returns true if arg is a boolean]
(boolean? arg)
[butlast | Returns a new list which has all the elements of the argument arg except for the last element]
(butlast arg)
[caaaar | Same as (car (car (car (car arg))))]
(caaaar arg)
[caaadr | Same as (car (car (car (cdr arg))))]
(caaadr arg)
[caaar | Same as (car (car (car arg)))]
(caaar arg)
[caadar | Same as (car (car (cdr (car arg))))]
(caadar arg)
[caaddr | Same as (car (car (cdr (cdr arg))))]
(caaddr arg)
[caadr | Same as (car (car (cdr arg)))]
(caadr arg)
[caar | Same as (car (car arg))]
(caar arg)
[cadaar | Same as (car (cdr (car (car arg))))]
(cadaar arg)
[cadadr | Same as (car (cdr (car (cdr arg))))]
(cadadr arg)
[cadar | Same as (car (cdr (car arg)))]
(cadar arg)
[caddar | Same as (car (cdr (cdr (car arg))))]
(caddar arg)
[cadddr | Same as (car (cdr (cdr (cdr arg))))]
(cadddr arg)
[caddr | Same as (car (cdr (cdr arg)))]
(caddr arg)
[cadr | Same as (car (cdr arg))]
(cadr arg)
[call-with-current-continuation | ]
[call-with-input-file | ]
[call-with-output-file | ]
[call-with-values | ]
[call/cc | ]
[car | If arg is the result of (cons a b), then (car arg) is the same as a]
(car arg)
[case | ]
[catch | ]
[cdaaar | Same as (cdr (car (car (car arg))))]
(cdaaar arg)
[cdaadr | Same as (cdr (car (car (cdr arg))))]
(cdaadr arg)
[cdaar | Same as (cdr (car (car arg)))]
(cdaar arg)
[cdadar | Same as (cdr (car (cdr (car arg))))]
(cdadar arg)
[cdaddr | Same as (cdr (car (cdr (cdr arg))))]
(cdaddr arg)
[cdadr | Same as (cdr (car (cdr arg)))]
(cdadr arg)
[cdar | Same as (cdr (car arg))]
(cdar arg)
[cddaar | Same as (cdr (cdr (car (car arg))))]
(cddaar arg)
[cddadr | Same as (cdr (cdr (car (cdr arg))))]
(cddadr arg)
[cddar | Same as (cdr (cdr (car arg)))]
(cddar arg)
[cdddar | Same as (cdr (cdr (cdr (car arg))))]
(cdddar arg)
[cddddr | Same as (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr arg))))]
(cddddr arg)
[cdddr | Same as (cdr (cdr (cdr arg)))]
(cdddr arg)
[cddr | Same as (cdr (cdr arg))]
(cddr arg)
[cdr | If arg is the result of (cons a b), then (cdr arg) is the same as b]
(cdr arg)
[ceiling | ]
[char->integer | ]
[char-alphabetic? | ]
[char-ci<=? | ]
[char-ci<? | ]
[char-ci=? | ]
[char-ci>=? | ]
[char-ci>? | ]
[char-downcase | ]
[char-lower-case? | ]
[char-numeric? | ]
[char-ready? | ]
[char-upcase | ]
[char-upper-case? | ]
[char-whitespace? | ]
[char<=? | ]
[char<? | ]
[char=? | ]
[char>=? | ]
[char>? | ]
[char? | ]
[close-input-port | ]
[close-output-port | ]
[complex? | ]
[cond | A special form where each clause is processed until the predicate expression of the clause evaluates true. Then, each subform in the predicate is evaluated with the value of the last one becoming the value of the cond form]
[cons | Allocates a list object with arg1 as the car and arg2 as the cdr]
(cons arg1 arg2)
[cons-array | Allocates an array (currently limited to one dimension). The kind may be string, byte, double or lisp (default)]
(cons-array dimension kind)
[cos | Returns the cosine where arg is in units of radians]
(cos arg)
[current-input-port | ]
[current-output-port | ]
[define | A special form used to assign a value to a variable]
(define subform1 subform2)
[define-syntax | ]
[delay | ]
[delq | Deletes the elements of the list which are eq to its first argument. Possibly modifying the list using the set-cdr! operation]
(delq element list)
[denominator | ]
[display | ]
[do | ]
[dynamic-wind | ]
[else | ]
[eof-object? | ]
[eq? | Returns true if arg1 and arg2 are the same object]
(eq? arg1 arg2)
[equal? | Returns true if arg1 and arg2 are equal objects]
(equal? arg1 arg2)
[eqv? | Returns true if arg1 and arg2 are the same object or numerically equal]
[error | Prints the error message, then aborts the current execution by invoking throw using the symbol errobj as the tag and the cons of the message and the object as the value]
(error message object)
[eval | Evaluates the expression in the context of the environment. This is not a special form]
(eval expression environment)
[even? | ]
[exact->inexact | ]
[exact? | ]
[exp | Computes the exponential function of arg]
(exp arg)
[expt | ]
[floor | ]
[fmod | Floating point mod]
(fmod arg1 arg2)
[fopen | Opens the file and returns a file stream]
(fopen path mode)
[for-each | ]
[force | ]
[fread | Returns a new string of size bytes by calling fread. Or uses the buffer (a string or a byte array) instead and returns the number of bytes read. Returns () on end of file]
(fread size-or-buffer stream)
[gc | Invokes the garbage collector]
[gcd | ]
[get | Returns the key property of the object]
(get object key)
[if | A special form that evaluates the true-form or the false-form depending on the result of evaluating the predicate form]
(if predicate-form true-form false-form)
[imag-part | ]
[inexact->exact | ]
[inexact? | ]
[input-port? | ]
[integer->char | ]
[integer? | ]
[interaction-environment | ]
[lambda | Returns an applicable procedure object (CLOSURE) with the given argument list and expression subforms]
(lambda (arg1 arg2 ...) form1 form2 ...)
[last | Returns the last cons in a list]
(last list)
[lcm | ]
[length | Returns the length of an object which may be a string (acts like strlen) or a list or an array]
(length object)
[let | A special form where each binding is a (variable value) pair. It works by computing the values, establishing the bindings, and then evaluating the forms, returning the value of the last one]
(let (binding1 binding2 ...) form1 form2 ...)
[let* | A special form where each binding is a (variable value) pair. It works by sequentially computing each value and then establishing a binding]
(let* (binding1 binding2 ...) form1 form2 ...)
[letrec | Useful when the value forms of the bindings are lambda expressions with which you desire to program mutually recursive calls]
(letrec (binding1 binding2 ...) form1 form2 ...)
[list | Conses up its arguments into a list]
(list item1 item2 ...)
[list->string | ]
[list->vector | ]
[list-ref | ]
[list-tail | ]
[list? | ]
[load | If search-flag is true it looks for fname in the current directory and then in the SIOD_LIB directory. The forms from the file are parsed according to the "parser:xxx" directive at the beginning of the file (default "parser:read"). If the neval-flag is true, then a list of the forms is returned; otherwise, the forms are evaluated]
(load fname noeval-flag search-flag)
[log | Computes the natural logarithm of arg]
(log arg)
[magnitude | ]
[make-list | Creates a list of the given length filled with the element specified]
(make-list length element)
[make-polar | ]
[make-rectangular | ]
[make-string | ]
[make-vector | ]
[map | ]
[mapcar | Returns a list which is the result of applying the fcn to the elements of each of the lists specified]
(mapcar fcn list1 list2 ...)
[max | Returns the maximum of arg1, arg2, etc]
(max arg1 arg2 ...)
[member | Returns the portion of the list where the car is equal to the key, or ( ) if none found]
(member key list)
[memq | Returns the portion of the list where the car is eq to the key, or ( ) if none found]
(memq key list)
[memv | Returns the portion of the list where the car is eqv? to the key, or ( ) if none found]
(memv key list)
[min | Returns the numerical minimum of its arguments]
(min arg1 arg2 ...)
[modulo | ]
[negative? | ]
[newline | ]
[nil | Do not change the value of this variable, which is bound to the empty list]
[not | Returns the reverse truth sense of arg]
(not arg)
[nreverse | Destructive reversal of the elements of a list using set-cdr!]
(nreverse list)
[nth | References the list using index, with the first element being index 0]
(nth index list)
[null-environment | ]
[null? | Returns true if arg is the empty list]
(null? arg)
[number->string | Formats the number according to the base, which may be 8, 10, 16 or the symbol e or f. The width and precision are both optional]
(number->string arg base width precision)
[number? | Returns true if arg is a number]
(number? arg)
[numerator | ]
[odd? | ]
[open-input-file | ]
[open-output-file | ]
[or | A special form which causes the evaluation of its subforms in order, from left to right until a form evaluates to a non-null value]
(or form1 form2 ...)
[output-port? | ]
[pair? | Returns true if arg is a pair (created by cons)]
(pair? arg)
[peek-char | ]
[port? | ]
[positive? | ]
[pow | Computes the result of arg1 raised to the arg2 power]
(pow arg1 arg2)
[prin1 | Outputs the standard readable representation of the object to the stream, which defaults to the standard output]
(prin1 object stream)
[print | Same as prin1 followed by output of a newline]
(print object stream)
[procedure? | ]
[prog1 | A special form which evaluates all its subforms but returns the value of the first one. A useful shorthand to employ instead of using a let]
(prog1 form1 form2 ...)
[quasiquote | ]
[quit | Causes the read-eval-print loop to return, usually resulting in an exit from the main program of siod, but may not when other C programs are utilizing the libsiod functionality]
[quote | A special form that returns x without evaluating it. Commonly written in abbreviated format as 'arg]
(quote arg)
[quotient | ]
[rand | Computes a random number from 0 to modulus-1. Uses C library rand]
(rand modulus)
[random | Computes a random number from 0 to modulus-1. Uses C library random]
(random modulus)
[rational? | ]
[rationalize | ]
[read | Inputs characters from the stream; returns the parsed standard expression, or (eof-val)]
(read stream)
[read-char | ]
[real-part | ]
[real? | ]
[realtime | Returns a double precision floating point value representation of the current realtime number of seconds. Usually precise to about a thousandth of a second]
[remainder | ]
[reverse | Returns a new list which has elements in the reverse order of the list]
(reverse list)
[round | ]
[scheme-report-environment | ]
[set! | A special form that evaluates the value subform to get a value, and then assigns the variable to the value]
(set! variable value)
[set-car! | Changes the car of the cons-cell object to point to the value]
(set-car! cons-cell value)
[set-cdr! | Changes the cdr of the cons-cell object to point to the value]
(set-cdr! cons-cell value)
[setcar | ]
[sin | Computes the sine function of the angle arg in radians]
(sin arg)
[sqrt | Computes the square root of arg]
(sqrt arg)
[srand | Resets the algorithm seed for the rand function]
(srand seed)
[strbreakup | Returns a list of the portions of string indicated by the separator]
(strbreakup string sep)
[strcat | Copies the string str2 into str1 starting at the current active end of str1, which is determined by the location of a 0 byte, calling error if there is not enough room left in str1]
(strcat str1 str2)
[strcmp | Returns 0 if str1 and str2 are equal, or -1 if str1 is alphabetically less than str2 or 1 otherwise]
(strcmp str1 str2)
[string | ]
[string->list | ]
[string->number | Converts the string to a number assuming the specified radix]
(string->number str radix)
[string->symbol | ]
[string-append | Returns a new string which contains the concatenation of all its string arguments]
(string-append str1 str2 ...)
[string-ci<=? | ]
[string-ci<? | ]
[string-ci=? | ]
[string-ci>=? | ]
[string-ci>? | ]
[string-copy | ]
[string-fill! | ]
[string-length | Returns the active string length of str]
(string-length str)
[string-lessp | Returns true if str1 is alphabetically less than str2]
(string-lessp str1 str2)
[string-ref | ]
[string-set! | ]
[string-trim | Returns a new string made by trimming whitespace from the left and right of the specified string]
(string-trim str)
[string-trim-left | Like string-trim, but only the left-hand side]
(string-trim-left str)
[string-trim-right | Like string-trim, but only the right-hand side]
(string-trim-right str)
[string<=? | ]
[string<? | ]
[string=? | ]
[string>=? | ]
[string>? | ]
[string? | Returns true if arg is a string]
(string? arg)
[substring | Returns a new string made up of the part of str beginning at start and terminating at end. In other words, the new string has a length of end - start]
(substring str start end)
[substring-equal? | An efficient way to determine if the substring of str2 specified by start and end is equal to str1]
(substring-equal? str str2 start end)
[symbol-bound? | Returns true if the symbol is bound in the environment]
(symbol-bound? symbol env)
[symbol->string | ]
[symbol? | Returns true if arg is a symbol]
(symbol? arg)
[syntax-rules | ]
[tan | Computes the tangent of the angle arg specified in radians]
(tan arg)
[the-environment | A special form which returns the interpreter environment structure for the current lexical scope]
[transcript-off | ]
[transcript-on | ]
[trunc | Returns the integer portion of arg]
(trunc arg)
[truncate | ]
[unbreakupstr | The reverse of strbreakup]
(unbreakupstr list sep)
[unquote | ]
[unquote-splicing | ]
[values | ]
[vector | ]
[vector->list | ]
[vector-fill! | ]
[vector-length | ]
[vector-ref | ]
[vector-set! | ]
[vector? | ]
[verbose | Sets the verbosity level of SIOD to the specified level (0-5) or returns the current level if not specified]
(verbose arg)
[while | If pred-form evaluates true, it will evaluate all the other forms and then loop]
[file-png-get-defaults | Get the current set of defaults used by the PNG file save plug-in, returns INT32 interlace, INT32 compression, INT32 bkgd, INT32 gama, INT32 offs, INT32 phys, INT32 time, INT32 comment, INT32 svtrans]
[file-png-load | Loads files in PNG file format, returns IMAGE image]
[plug-in-icc-profile-file-info | Retrieve information about a color profile, returns STRING profile-name, STRING profile-desc, STRING profile-info]
(plug-in-icc-profile-file-info |STRING profile)
[plug-in-icc-profile-info | Retrieve information about an image's color profile, returns STRING profile-name, STRING profile-desc, STRING profile-info]
(plug-in-icc-profile-info |IMAGE image)
[plug-in-icc-profile-set | Set a color profile on the image]
[script-fu-3d-outline-logo | Create a logo with outlined text and a drop shadow]
(script-fu-3d-outline-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING pattern STRING string FLOAT value STRING font FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-3d-outline-logo-alpha | Outline the selected region (or alpha) with a pattern and add a drop shadow]
(script-fu-3d-outline-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable STRING pattern FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-3dtruchet | Create an image filled with a 3D Truchet pattern]
(script-fu-3dtruchet |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-add-bevel | Add a beveled border to an image]
[script-fu-addborder | Add a border around an image]
(script-fu-addborder |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color FLOAT value)
[script-fu-alien-glow-bullet | Create a bullet graphic with an eerie glow for web pages]
(script-fu-alien-glow-bullet |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-alien-glow-button | Create a button graphic with an eerie glow for web pages]
(script-fu-alien-glow-button |INT32 run-mode STRING string STRING font FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-alien-glow-horizontal-ruler | Create an Hrule graphic with an eerie glow for web pages]
(script-fu-alien-glow-horizontal-ruler |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-alien-glow-logo | Create a logo with an alien glow around the text]
(script-fu-alien-glow-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color)
[script-fu-alien-glow-logo-alpha | Add an eerie glow around the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-alien-glow-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-alien-glow-right-arrow | Create an arrow graphic with an eerie glow for web pages]
(script-fu-alien-glow-right-arrow |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value INT32 option COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-alien-neon-logo | Create a logo with psychedelic outlines around the text]
(script-fu-alien-neon-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-alien-neon-logo-alpha | Add psychedelic outlines to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-alien-neon-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-basic1-logo | Create a plain text logo with a gradient effect, a drop shadow, and a background]
(script-fu-basic1-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-basic1-logo-alpha | Add a gradient effect, a drop shadow, and a background to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-basic1-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-basic2-logo | Create a simple logo with a shadow and a highlight]
(script-fu-basic2-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-basic1-logo-alpha | Add a shadow and a highlight to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-basic1-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-beveled-pattern-arrow | Create a beveled pattern arrow for webpages]
(script-fu-beveled-pattern-arrow |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value INT32 option STRING pattern)
[script-fu-beveled-pattern-bullet | Create a beveled pattern bullet for webpages]
(script-fu-beveled-pattern-bullet |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value STRING pattern INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-beveled-pattern-button | Create a beveled pattern button for webpages]
(script-fu-beveled-pattern-button |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color STRING pattern INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-beveled-pattern-heading | Create a beveled pattern heading for webpages]
(script-fu-beveled-pattern-heading |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font STRING pattern INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-beveled-pattern-hrule | Create a beveled pattern hrule for webpages]
(script-fu-beveled-pattern-hrule |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value STRING pattern)
[script-fu-big-header-gimp-org | Create an image of a large header using the gimp.org webpage theme]
(script-fu-big-header-gimp-org |INT32 run-mode STRING string STRING font FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle INT32 toggle INT32 toggle FLOAT value)
[script-fu-blend-anim | Create intermediate layers to blend two or more layers over a background as an animation]
(script-fu-blend-anim |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-blended-logo | Create a logo with blended backgrounds, highlights, and shadows]
(script-fu-blended-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR coloΩ COLOR color INT32 option COLOR color COLOR color STRING gradient INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-blended-logo-alpha | Add blended backgrounds, highlights, and shadows to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-blended-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value COLOR color INT32 option COLOR color COLOR color STRING gradient INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-bovinated-logo | Create a logo with text in the style of 'cow spots']
(script-fu-bovinated-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-bovinated-logo-alpha | Add 'cow spots' to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-bovinated-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-burn-in-anim | Create intermediate layers to produce an animated 'burn-in' transition between two layers]
(script-fu-burn-in-anim |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color INT32 toggle STRING value STRING value STRING value INT32 toggle INT32 toggle STRING value)
[script-fu-button00 | Create a simple, beveled button graphic for webpages]
(script-fu-button00 |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-camo-pattern | Create an image filled with a camouflage pattern]
(script-fu-camo-pattern |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-carve-it | Use the specified [GRAY] drawable as a stencil to carve from the specified image. The specified image must be either RGB colour or grayscale, not indexed.]
[script-fu-flatland | Create an image filled with a Land Pattern]
(script-fu-flatland |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-font-map | Create an image filled with previews of fonts matching a fontname filter]
(script-fu-font-map |INT32 run-mode STRING string INT32 toggle INT32 toggle STRING string FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option)
[script-fu-frosty-logo | Create frozen logo with an added drop shadow]
(script-fu-frosty-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color)
[script-fu-frosty-logo-alpha | Add a frost effect to the selected region (or alpha) with an added drop shadow]
(script-fu-frosty-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-fuzzy-border | Add a jagged, fuzzy border to an image]
(script-fu-fuzzy-border |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color FLOAT value INT32 toggle FLOAT value INT32 toggle FLOAT value INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-glossy-logo | Create a logo with gradients, patterns, shadows, and bump maps]
(script-fu-glossy-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font STRING gradient INT32 toggle STRING gradient INT32 toggle FLOAT value COLOR color INT32 toggle STRING pattern INT32 toggle STRING pattern INT32 toggle STRING pattern INT32 toggle INT32 toggle FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-glossy-logo-alpha | Add gradients, patterns, shadows, and bump maps to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-glossy-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable STRING gradient INT32 toggle STRING gradient INT32 toggle FLOAT value COLOR color INT32 toggle STRING pattern INT32 toggle STRING pattern INT32 toggle STRING pattern INT32 toggle INT32 toggle FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-glowing-logo | Create a logo that looks like glowing hot metal]
(script-fu-glowing-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color)
[script-fu-glowing-logo-alpha | Add a glowing hot metal effect to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-glowing-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-gradient-bevel-logo | Create a logo with a shiny look and beveled edges]
(script-fu-gradient-bevel-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-gradient-bevel-logo-alpha | Add a shiny look and bevel effect to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-gradient-bevel-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-gradient-example | Create an image filled with an example of the current gradient]
(script-fu-gradient-example |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-grid-system | Draw a grid as specified by the lists of X and Y locations using the current brush]
[script-fu-i26-gunya2 | Create a logo in a two-color, scribbled text style]
(script-fu-i26-gunya2 |INT32 run-mode STRING string COLOR color COLOR color STRING font FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-labels-gimp-org | Create an image of a Tube Button Label Header using the gimp.org webpage theme]
(script-fu-labels-gimp-org |INT32 run-mode STRING string STRING font FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle INT32 toggle FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-land | Create an image filled with a topographic map pattern]
(script-fu-land |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value STRING gradient)
[script-fu-lava | Fill the current selection with lava]
(script-fu-lava |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value STRING gradient INT32 toggle INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-add-border | Create the Add Border effect on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-add-border |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable INT32 option FLOAT value INT32 option FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color INT32 option STRING gradient FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 option STRING pattern INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-bevel-and-emboss | Create the Bevel and Emboss effects on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-bevel-and-emboss |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable INT32 option FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color FLOAT value INT32 option COLOR color FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-color-overlay | Create the Color overlay effect on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-color-overlay |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 value INT32 value)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-drop-shadow | Create the Drop Shadow on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-drop-shadow |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-gradient-overlay | Create the Gradient overlay effect on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-gradient-overlay |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color COLOR color INT32 option STRING gradient FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 option INT32 option INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-inner-glow | Create the Inner Glow on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-inner-glow |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 option INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-inner-shadow | Create the Inner Shadow on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-inner-shadow |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-outer-glow | Create the Outer Glow on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-outer-glow |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
;[script-fu-layer-effects-pattern-overlay | Create the Pattern overlay effect on the layer with alpha]
;[script-fu-layer-effects-satin | Create the Satin effect on the layer with alpha]
;(script-fu-layer-effects-satin |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option INT32 toggle INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-line-nova | Fill a layer with rays emanating outward from its center using the FG color]
(script-fu-line-nova |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-make-brush-elliptical | Create an elliptical brush]
(script-fu-make-brush-elliptical |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-make-brush-elliptical-feathered | Create an elliptical brush with feathered edges]
(script-fu-make-brush-elliptical-feathered |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-make-brush-rectangular | Create a rectangular brush]
(script-fu-make-brush-rectangular |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-make-brush-rectangular-feathered | Create a rectangular brush with feathered edges]
(script-fu-make-brush-rectangular-feathered |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-neon-logo | Create a logo in the style of a neon sign]
(script-fu-neon-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-neon-logo-alpha | Convert the selected region (or alpha) into a neon-sign like object]
(script-fu-neon-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-newsprint-text | Create a logo in the style of newspaper printing]
(script-fu-newsprint-text |INT32 run-mode STRING string STRING font FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-old-photo | Make an image look like an old photo]
[script-fu-perspective-shadow | Add a perspective shadow to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-perspective-shadow |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color FLOAT value INT32 enum INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-predator | Add a 'Predator' effect to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-predator |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value INT32 toggle FLOAT value INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-refresh | Re-read all available Script-Fu scripts]
(script-fu-refresh |INT32 run-mode)
[script-fu-render-map | Create an image filled with an Earth-like map pattern]
(script-fu-render-map |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value STRING gradient INT32 toggle INT32 option)
[script-fu-reverse-layers | Reverse the order of layers in the image]
[script-fu-ripply-anim | Create a multi-layer image by adding a ripple effect to the current image]
(script-fu-ripply-anim |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option)
[script-fu-round-button | Create images, each containing an oval button graphic]
(script-fu-round-button |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-round-corners | Round the corners of an image and optionally add a drop-shadow and background]
(script-fu-round-corners |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value INT32 toggle FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-selection-round | Round the corners of the current selection (deprecated, use Rounded Rectangle)]
[script-fu-slide | Add a slide-film like frame, sprocket holes, and labels to an image]
(script-fu-slide |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable STRING string STRING string STRING font COLOR color INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-small-header-gimp-org | Create an image of a small header using the gimp.org webpage theme]
(script-fu-small-header-gimp-org |INT32 run-mode STRING string STRING font FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle INT32 toggle INT32 toggle FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-sota-chrome-it | Add a chrome effect to the selected region (or alpha) using a specified (grayscale) stencil]
(script-fu-sota-chrome-it |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value STRING filename COLOR color COLOR color INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-sota-chrome-logo | Create a State Of The Art chromed logo]
(script-fu-sota-chrome-logo |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value STRING string FLOAT value STRING font STRING filename COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-speed-text | Create a logo with a speedy text effect]
(script-fu-speed-text |INT32 run-mode STRING string STRING font FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-sphere | Create a simple sphere with a drop shadow]
(script-fu-sphere |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-spinning-globe | Create an animation by mapping the current image onto a spinning sphere]
(script-fu-spinning-globe |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value INT32 toggle INT32 toggle FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-spyrogimp | Add Spirographs, Epitrochoids, and Lissajous Curves to the current layer]
(script-fu-spyrogimp |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable INT32 option INT32 option FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 option STRING brush INT32 option COLOR color STRING gradient)
[script-fu-starburst-logo | Create a logo using a starburst gradient]
(script-fu-starburst-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-starburst-logo-alpha | Fill the selected region (or alpha) with a starburst gradient and add a shadow]
(script-fu-starburst-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-starscape-logo | Create a logo using a rock-like texture, a nova glow, and shadow]
(script-fu-starscape-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font COLOR color)
[script-fu-starscape-logo-alpha | Fill the selected region (or alpha) with a rock-like texture, a nova glow, and shadow]
(script-fu-starscape-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-swirl-tile | Create an image filled with a swirled tile effect]
(script-fu-swirl-tile |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color)
[script-fu-swirly-pattern | Create an image filled with a swirly pattern]
(script-fu-swirly-pattern |INT32 run-mode FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-t-o-p-logo | Create a logo using a Trace Of Particles effect]
(script-fu-t-o-p-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-t-o-p-logo-alpha | Add a Trace of Particles effect to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-t-o-p-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-text-circle | Create a logo by rendering the specified text along the perimeter of a circle]
(script-fu-text-circle |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle STRING font)
[script-fu-textured-logo | Create a textured logo with highlights, shadows, and a mosaic background]
(script-fu-textured-logo |INT32 run-mode STRING string FLOAT value STRING font STRING pattern INT32 option COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-textured-logo-alpha | Fill the selected region (or alpha) with a texture and add highlights, shadows, and a mosaic background]
(script-fu-textured-logo-alpha |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value STRING pattern INT32 option COLOR color COLOR color COLOR color)
[script-fu-tile-blur | Blur the edges of an image so the result tiles seamlessly]
[script-fu-waves-anim | Create a multi-layer image with an effect like a stone was thrown into the current image]
(script-fu-waves-anim |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
[script-fu-weave | Create a new layer filled with a weave effect to be used as an overlay or bump map]
(script-fu-weave |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value)
[script-fu-xach-effect | Add a subtle translucent 3D effect to the selected region (or alpha)]
(script-fu-xach-effect |INT32 run-mode IMAGE image DRAWABLE drawable FLOAT value FLOAT value COLOR color FLOAT value COLOR color FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value FLOAT value INT32 toggle)
;Internal GIMP Procedures
[gimp-airbrush | Paint in the current brush with varying pressure. Paint application is time-dependent]
[gimp-buffers-get-list | Retrieve a complete listing of the available buffers, returns INT32 num-buffers, STRINGARRAY buffer-list]
(gimp-buffers-get-list |STRING filter)
[gimp-by-color-select | Create a selection by selecting all pixels (in the specified drawable) with the same (or similar) color to that specified]
(gimp-by-color-select |DRAWABLE drawable COLOR color INT32 threshold INT32 operation INT32 antialias INT32 feather FLOAT feather-radius INT32 sample-merged)
[gimp-by-color-select-full | Create a selection by selecting all pixels (in the specified drawable) with the same (or similar) color to that specified]
[gimp-dodgeburn-default | Dodgeburn image with varying exposure. This is the same as the gimp_dodgeburn() function except that the exposure, type and mode are taken from the tools option dialog. If the dialog has not been activated then the defaults as used by the dialog will be used]
[gimp-drawable-get-tattoo | Get the tattoo of the specified drawable, returns INT32 tattoo]
(gimp-drawable-get-tattoo |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-get-visible | Get the visibility of the specified drawable, returns INT32 visible]
(gimp-drawable-get-visible |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-has-alpha | Returns TRUE if the drawable has an alpha channel, returns INT32 has-alpha]
(gimp-drawable-has-alpha |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-height | Returns the height of the drawable, returns INT32 height]
(gimp-drawable-height |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-image | This procedure is deprecated! Use 'gimp-drawable-get-image' instead]
(gimp-drawable-image |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-is-channel | Returns whether the drawable is a channel, returns INT32 channel]
(gimp-drawable-is-channel |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-is-gray | Returns whether the drawable is a grayscale type, returns INT32 is-gray]
(gimp-drawable-is-gray |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-is-indexed | Returns whether the drawable is an indexed type, returns INT32 is-indexed]
(gimp-drawable-is-indexed |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-is-layer | Returns whether the drawable is a layer, returns INT32 layer]
(gimp-drawable-is-layer |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-is-layer-mask | Returns whether the drawable is a layer mask, returns INT32 layer-mask]
(gimp-drawable-is-layer-mask |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-is-rgb | Returns whether the drawable is an RGB type, returns INT32 is-rgb]
(gimp-drawable-is-rgb |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-is-valid | Returns TRUE if the drawable is valid, returns INT32 valid]
(gimp-drawable-is-valid |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-mask-bounds | Find the bounding box of the current selection in relation to the specified drawable, returns INT32 non-empty, INT32 x1, INT32 y1, INT32 x2, INT32 y2]
(gimp-drawable-mask-bounds |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-mask-intersect | Find the bounding box of the current selection in relation to the specified drawable, returns INT32 non-empty, INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 width, INT32 height]
(gimp-drawable-mask-intersect |DRAWABLE drawable)
[gimp-drawable-merge-shadow | Merge the shadow buffer with the specified drawable]
[gimp-drawable-sub-thumbnail | Get a thumbnail of a sub-area of a drawable drawable, returns INT32 width, INT32 height, INT32 bpp, INT32 thumbnail-data-count, INT8ARRAY thumbnail-data]
[gimp-drawable-thumbnail | Get a thumbnail of a drawable, returns INT32 actual-width, INT32 actual-height, INT32 bpp, INT32 thumbnail-data-count, INT8ARRAY thumbnail-data]
[gimp-drawable-transform-perspective | Perform a possibly non-affine transformation on the specified drawable, with extra parameters, returns DRAWABLE drawable]
[gimp-drawable-transform-perspective-default | Perform a possibly non-affine transformation on the specified drawable, with extra parameters, returns DRAWABLE drawable]
[gimp-drawable-transform-rotate-default | Rotate the specified drawable about given coordinates through the specified angle, returns DRAWABLE drawable]
[gimp-drawable-transform-shear | Shear the specified drawable about its center by the specified magnitude, with extra parameters, returns DRAWABLE drawable]
[gimp-drawable-transform-shear-default | Shear the specified drawable about its center by the specified magnitude, with extra parameters, returns DRAWABLE drawable]
[gimp-edit-bucket-fill | Fill the area specified either by the current selection if there is one, or by a seed fill starting at the specified coordinates]
[gimp-edit-bucket-fill-full | Fill the area specified either by the current selection if there is one, or by a seed fill starting at the specified coordinates]
[gimp-help-2-concepts-paths | Bookmark to the user manual]
(gimp-help-2-concepts-paths |INT32 run-mode)
[gimp-help-2-concepts-usage | Bookmark to the user manual]
(gimp-help-2-concepts-usage |INT32 run-mode)
[gimp-help-2-using-docks | Bookmark to the user manual]
(gimp-help-2-using-docks |INT32 run-mode)
[gimp-help-2-using-fileformats | Bookmark to the user manual]
(gimp-help-2-using-fileformats |INT32 run-mode)
[gimp-help-2-using-photography | Bookmark to the user manual]
(gimp-help-2-using-photography |INT32 run-mode)
[gimp-help-2-using-selections | Bookmark to the user manual]
(gimp-help-2-using-selections |INT32 run-mode)
[gimp-help-2-using-simpleobjects | Bookmark to the user manual]
(gimp-help-2-using-simpleobjects |INT32 run-mode)
[gimp-help-2-using-web | Bookmark to the user manual]
(gimp-help-2-using-web |INT32 run-mode)
[gimp-histogram | Returns information on the intensity histogram for the specified drawable, returns FLOAT mean, FLOAT std-dev, FLOAT median, FLOAT pixels, FLOAT count, FLOAT percentile]
[gimp-image-set-unit | Sets the specified image's unit]
(gimp-image-set-unit |IMAGE image INT32 unit)
[gimp-image-thumbnail | Get a thumbnail of an image, returns INT32 actual-width, INT32 actual-height, INT32 bpp, INT32 thumbnail-data-count, INT8ARRAY thumbnail-data]
[gimp-paintbrush-default | Paint in the current brush. The fade out parameter and pull colors from a gradient parameter are set from the paintbrush options dialog. If this dialog has not been activated then the dialog defaults will be used]
[gimp-procedural-db-proc-arg | Queries the procedural database for information on the specified procedure's argument, returns INT32 arg-type, STRING arg-name, STRING arg-desc]
[gimp-procedural-db-proc-val | Queries the procedural database for information on the specified procedure's return value, returns INT32 val-type, STRING val-name, STRING val-desc]
[gimp-procedural-db-query | Queries the procedural database for its contents using regular expression matching, returns INT32 num-matches, STRINGARRAY procedure-names]
(gimp-procedural-db-query |STRING name STRING blurb STRING help STRING author STRING copyright STRING date STRING proc-type)
[gimp-procedural-db-set-data | Associates the specified identifier with the supplied data]
[gimp-text-get-extents-fontname | Get extents of the bounding box for the specified text, returns INT32 width, INT32 height, INT32 ascent, INT32 descent]
(gimp-text-get-extents-fontname |STRING text FLOAT size INT32 size-type STRING fontname)
[gimp-threshold | Threshold the specified drawable]
[gimp-vectors-stroke-get-point-at-dist | Get point at a specified distance along the stroke, returns FLOAT x-point, FLOAT y-point, FLOAT slope, INT32 valid]
[gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points | Returns the control points of a stroke, returns INT32 type, INT32 num-points, FLOATARRAY controlpoints, INT32 closed]